About the Guests:
Joshua Lewis and Michael Miller\
Joshua Lewis and Michael Miller are the co-hosts of Remnant Radio, a popular YouTube channel and podcast focusing on theological discussions across various Christian denominations. Remnant Radio invites a diverse range of guests from Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Charismatics to engage in thoughtful and profitable theological conversations. Together with their absent co-host Michael Rountree, they have built a platform that garners over a million downloads and views monthly, and recently expanded to in-person conferences and online masterclasses.
Episode Summary:
Jared dives into the world of theological discussions with the co-hosts of Remnant Radio, Joshua Lewis and Michael Miller. They share their journey of creating a platform that bridges different Christian traditions to discuss theology in an open and respectful manner. This episode explores the heart behind Remnant Radio, their camaraderie, and how they navigate theological echo chambers to foster meaningful conversations.
Throughout the episode, they reflect on the challenges and triumphs of maintaining deep friendships while producing a widely-followed show. They provide valuable insights into identifying and avoiding theological conversations that have gone awry, and offer recommendations for those seeking to deepen their theological understanding. The episode wraps up with practical advice on physical and spiritual disciplines and their personal routines, providing listeners with a holistic approach to living a faith-filled life.
Key Takeaways:
The importance of creating a platform for open theological discussions across different Christian traditions.
Tips on maintaining and nurturing deep friendships while working on collaborative projects.
Identifying the warning signs of a theological conversation gone south and strategies to pull back constructively.
Recommendations for starting points in deepening one's theological understanding and favorite episodes of Remnant Radio.
Personal habits and routines that contribute to both physical fitness and spiritual growth.
Notable Quotes:
"Remnant's premise is simple: Let's discuss theology with everyone. We invite various Christian denominations to come on the live air and have profitable theological discussions." - Joshua Lewis
"One thing I admire about you guys, both in person and on the show, is that you seem to have a very deep camaraderie and friendship." - Dr. Jared Musgrove
"Having profitable theological discussions is about recognizing and moving out of the echo chambers that we sometimes find ourselves in." - Michael Miller
"Our show is all about reminding our audience, we don't necessarily agree with all the views of our guest, but we're eager to learn how different traditions look at the scriptures." - Michael Miller
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Produced by The Good Podcast Co.