How exactly do you encourage others? And what about taking it one step further; how do you encourage others in the Lord, making disciples!?
Tracy is the girl to help us unpack these questions! During today's episode, we dig into the context of our verse in order to get to the practical application. We take a look at Paul's example of encouraging others. We hope you'll learn about what it looks like to live life on life, inviting others into the gospel and into our own, every day lives.
Want to know more about Tracy? Find out more here:
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Instagram: @tracysullivandiscipleship
NEW book!: Small Batch Discipleship
t h e r e f o r e // e n c o u r a g e // o n e
a n o t h e r // a n d // b u i l d // e a c h
o t h e r // u p, // j u s t // a s // i n
f a c t // y o u // a r e // d o i n g.
1 Thessalonians 5:11