October 7th saw the attack of Israel by the terrorist group Hamas. Conflict is nothing new to this region, but for Americans the way in which the coverage has been handled shifts with each news outlet. Did Israel bring this attack on themselves through an alleged colonization of Palestine? Is Hamas the freedom fighters some outlets make them out to be or something more sinister? In this series, we at Mama Bear Apologetics are tackling the top questions you have about the Israel-Palestine conflict to better equip you to know and explain this issue with your children. In the first podcast Hillary, Amy, and fellow apologist David Wolcott cover the top terns and definitions tossed around the nightly news. Here you’ll see why Hamas and Palestine are not the same thing, and why these two are being conflated to promote an “us vs. them” ideology. Listeners will also get a brief history of God’s people to answer the question everyone has been asking, “Who’s land is it anyways?” These set the scene for the second upcoming podcast where Hillary and Amy will address the bigger themes at play: the spiritual battles around the attacks on Israel, and how critical theory is nurturing support for Hamas in Gen Z.
“It’s important to be talking to our kids and asking them to have people define their terms for them. A lot of times this will slow the conversation down, and that’s a good thing” – Hillary Morgan Ferrer
“You can possibly get swept up into something that you don’t really know what you’re advocating for. So that’s what you want to help your kid’s be watchful of — what are they defining, what are they assuming about another people group, what are the conclusions that are being made?” – Amy Davison
We are all in this together, so sometimes our posts are a bit of all of us.
The post Episode 89: A Crash Course in the Israel-Palestine Conflict appeared first on Mama Bear Apologetics.